In Devenir, Loredana Bianconi follows her 45-year-old friend on a precarious job search. The film’s story evolves from the sense of individual despair and courage of Bianconi’s friend towards broader reflections on loneliness, solidarity, age and old age, beauty, autonomy, happiness and society’s collective aspirations. In a consistently sober, photographical style, delicately filmed, precious moments abound in this cinematic essay. Loredana Bianconi wonders whether it is possible to hold on to one’s own identity in the competitive world of the jobseeker.
“I incline especially to the muted - or silenced - subjects of history. I try to listen without judgement and understand. I keep an open mind and make myself available to the words of others to activate a sense of memory, provoke reactions and reflections. That is my approach as a militant.”
Loredana Bianconi