Sven Augustijnen

Sven Augustijnen (1970, Mechelen) lives and works in Brussels. His films, publications, and installations on political, historical, and social themes constantly challenge the genre of the documentary, reflecting a wider interest in historiography and storytelling: “Historiography is by no means a natural phenomenon. The way we use stories, images and fiction to construct reality and history fascinates me.” Augustijnen has made numerous films, such as L'Ecole des Pickpockets (2000), in which two professional thieves give a master-class in the art of pickpocketing for the camera; Le guide du parc (2001), about an unusual visit to the Parc Royal in Brussels; and Fierté Nationale: De Jéricho vers Gaza (2024), a portrait of what has become of the revolutionary impulse. Sven Augustijnen is represented by Jan Mot, Brussels, and is a founding member of Auguste Orts, Brussels.

Set to the music of Bach's St. John Passion, the spectator is plunged into one of the darkest pages of Belgian Congo's decolonial history: the assassination of Patrice Lumumba. This documentary film essay explores the fine line between historiography and legitimization.

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